Bale Clamps


Forklift Bale Clamps

Micron MHE supplies a wide range of forklift bale clamps for all applications, including but not limited to:

  • pulp
  • wastepaper
  • cotton
  • tobacco
  • foam

A variety of capacities, opening ranges, and arm finishes will ensure that you get the proper forklift bale clamps for your application.

The thin arm design of our forklift bale clamps makes tight bale stacking and knifing between bales easy. Valve blocks and hydraulics are well protected yet easily serviceable. The forklift bale clamps have a frame design based on special double T-profiles. This feature combines a highly rigid and light design with excellent visibility through the arm carriers.

For more information about our forklift bale clamps, get in touch with the team from Micron MHE today.

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